lynsie ekelund had been killed before anyone realized she was even missing. p to the work site and used a skip loader to dig a hole. he held on to lynsie's body for a few days and then when no one was around, he buried her. did it feel any better to finally know? >> no, because i was really devastated. there was a relief, but i wasn't any happier because of it. >> reporter: with detectives, chris returned to the site that had become lynsie's final resting place. >> right where this tree is i >> reporter: with detectives, chris returned to the site that had become lynsie's final resting place. >> right where this tree is i pulled my truck over and parked it. >> this tree to our left here? >> uh-huh. right where this tree is. didn't used to exist there when we had construction. >> okay. >> reporter: he wasn't sure of the exact spot. >> it is over in this vicinity. >> it could be way out there or way over here? >> from the tree all the way to that brush. >> that brush over there? >> yeah. >> reporter: it took more than a day of digging to find what was left of ly