joining us now to discuss the ups and downs of this latest technology it has to go to media analysts lyondell of why i don't mean a lot always a pleasure having your answer. thank you sir and by the way anybody who can quote a livia newton john and work that into this brilliant prolegomena i think the media pay attention this man is a match it's but you mention a lot of you and john let me take you back in the eighty's godly increase cry a minute from 10 c c the morphing of the faces we thought that was interesting you would go from in you which to the pacific islander and that was 1905. if ever there was a show that would get this into this and i'm not being gratuitous when i say that friends think about this we are now talking about the tube we threw in before animate we're now using words like virtual and or remote searchable learning remote not real not school where we imagine the police we have sex robots robots ai this is a carlin routine the more i do it we're going to have we've already had news bots and ai people writing news stories you're going to see news presenters and the like i