intrude on anybody in order to you know do whatever they want to on behalf of national security now lyster active allows border patrol agents to search and see the electronic possessions of travelers within one hundred mile radius of this border as i mentioned earlier but it doesn't define who a traveler is are not that i can find to any extent so according to the a.c.l.u. one hundred ninety million americans fall within this hundred mile radius does that mean that any one of them can be searched. i think it's fair to be concerned that anybody who is willing will be searched or could be subject to an arbitrary search i think that what is really troubling about the two page executive summary which is actually the report the department of homeland security is playing a secrecy game here and they didn't release the actual impact assessment they just gave us a summary too to look at and there's no basis for us to understand how they came to these conclusions but the little that they do put down leads us to wonder. people at the border are being discriminated against is that an issue you acknow