. >> it was lysteria.tion for pregnant women, for the elderly, for small children. the lysteria had come from cantaloupe from one farm. michelle and her husband had no idea about all of that. they just knew both the mother and the child were in trouble. when they told you this baby was going to be born 11 weeks early? >> it was awful. the doctor came in and he told you about the problems that could happen with a baby that was born that premature. it was devastating. it was like she could be blind, she could be deaf, she could have heart problems, cerebral palsy, adhd and the list went on and on. >> reporter: michelle's baby was born in a rush, within hours, and as soon as she arrived, baby kendall was whisked away by a team of emergency doctors. michelle and david couldn't every hold her. barely saw her. when you did see her, what did you see? >> by probably saw her at 6:00, 7:00 the following morning. >> so red. wrinkled. it didn't really look like a real baby. it looked like something you look at in a pi