and so along comes lytton strachey, saying the problem is the stuffy old victorians and the stuff theyelieved in. the book became a bit of a phenomenon. a lot of the cynicism and frivolity you see dominating the culture of the 1920's is a hangover from those people saying all the victorians believing in stuffy old things like morals and religion, that was a mistake. we are going to move beyond that now. the thing i took as a model for me was that he did his takedown in a series of biographies. i like that because, as a reader, i tend to get very frustrated with books about generations, you know, which is funny to say, as someone who has written one. but i find they often devolve into generalizations about generalizations. and so i wanted to ground my book in individuals. so i picked six representative baby boomers who i thought really captured something about that generational experience in their life story. susan: i wanted to explore that a bit more. i had the same reaction, that generational generalizations are just that. what are the qualities of the millennial generation and the bo