of the hutsuls in kryvorivno, in the carpathian region, a collection of texts by the writer lyuba paraskevijafrom trenadyuk was presented, the book included the author's works written over the course of 10 years , our colleagues from the carpathians visited the presentation, a new book by us hutsuls tells readers about the life in the mountains of local hutsul residents, the author lyuba paraskevija from trenadyuk grew up in the mountain village of zamagora and conveys memories of experienced adventures, feelings and personal situations. the writer says that this is a hutsul story about hutsuls. trenadyuk herself becomes the heroine of her own story, which she tells from the inside, emotionally and romantically combining the ukrainian literary language with the hutsul dialect. it was also my inner decision to reconcile myself and harmoniously combine the ukrainian language with the hutsul dialect that i speak at home . the edition included previously published works as well as a new one. -notulya hutsul sketches, seven books in total, also interwoven with old photographs and short stories. an