hello, lyubasha! lyubasha, why are you silent?ty, oh, the boys have arrived, let’s go. don’t make me laugh, i don’t know what people are talking about, but she actually saw herself in the mirror, yes apparently, she’s not visible, she’s such a scary person, my dear, what are you doing, why, well, are you all right? otherwise you haven’t been like that lately, yes, as usual, it’s normal, my dear, listen, maybe i should write to the prisoners, but why? yes, many people do this, but who can’t find something normal for themselves? that’s what i’m saying, they’re all hungry there, oh, they rush at anyone, well, it’s a pity to look at you, well, this is not normal, my dear, you’re toiling, you need a man, how are you, handsome, no way, as usual, everything ’s fine, yeah . "i'll have to come in one of these days me, why haven’t i done anything yet, and talk about your boss, she wrote off more than a lemon for repairs, but it seems like there were no repairs, yes, or there were, but no one noticed it, yes there seemed to be, and if there