and instead of lyudmila isupavai, who packed her bags, and the female staff, and the new salist, leanidin the spring of 1975, verasam received a fee to unify the hell of the ussr at the international festival of palette songs in helsinki. people from all over the world came to this festival. countries such as the usa, chile, cuba, portugal, germany, czechoslovakia, poland, italy, france, etc. were presented. right there, who accompanied us, in no case can not write anything, they took away, everything, well, okay, that's how it was strictly, and pure white delicious, sparkling white delicious, always be white, white, white, the ensemble grew. were champions according to the number of family couples that formed inside the collection. napunya, more such phenomenon was not in any collection of variety show beldzerzh philharmonic. everyone got married, so the most interesting thing is that i began to meet with borya bely, yaplavskaya, then, sasha tikhanovich, lyutsina shemetkova with our administrator, lyudava with our sound engineers. we went on tour. in 1978, the verasa ensemble became pa