heart would be through the race track, yes, great, great, yes , oh, i didn’t introduce myself, lyudmila renieraybe some tea, a taxi has already come for me, sorry.” well then, apple , with pleasure, thank you, all the best, goodbye, let me guess, you had sex, better, i earned my first 7,000, this won’t even be enough for a day, but you don’t understand, i i have been working on roofing felt for so many years that i simply forgot how pleasant it is. and my personal 7.000 , mom, hi, donate 7.0 for an english tutor, dad doesn’t have one, well, this won’t be enough for you for a day, listen, we need to sell the house, we need to, but how to do it? aunt definitely won’t agree, you know how much she loves him, it’s okay, we’ll explain that we need to get out of our comfort zone. come on, she's in a good mood today, maybe we'll get lucky? no, no, and once again, no, i will never sell this house, my childhood passed here, my childhood is over, we need to live now, aunt lucy, you come here once every 100 years, and then for a couple of days, and we cut it short, girls, change my word, you will still be