a glass bow and helter-skelter, you can visit everything, you can’t visit, guys, well, however, lzepoliner own destiny, let it be, let everyone decide for themselves why they will listen to her, she can literally highlight any part of life, any music in general, ours too, it seems to me that you have a plush horse, why, and this is our, so to speak, talisman, and you don’t put it on your head, sometimes i put it on, of course, it’s great, gentlemen, it will color the next composition, which is called that, plush horse, the working title has roots, oh, she will be on that record, which i am now convinced our audience is waiting for, it will be on this record, of course, well, let's, then , now listen to another composition from the new album. time keeps on flying away again, you ca n't have the hunger me, i won't lie down, there is any guarantee, oh my, time keeps on flying away, that's all right, me speak me don't worry you know that you day so just nowhere to go tonight i really don't want to socialize i need to peel people skills getting thrown aside they say i'm so deprived i say hope