a lzheimmers. what if we decided to eliminate it. it would not only be a magnificent effort, for the country and people and save the pain and hardship. but think about what it does to the economy taking a trillion dollars of expenditure and putting it back in people's well-being. how many of you think it is a better expend tower of money than just continuing to treat the disease and ragger -- rather eliminate. $5 billion bonus for who ever first comes up for a cure for cancer. $5 billion bonus for who ever comes up with a cower for a lzheimmers. wow, that is a lot of money. if we are spending 245 billion on sdieb wont it make sense to bonus somebody 5, 10, 15 or 20 billion to eliminate it. that makes more sense and those are the coined of solution that we need in america and take on what is costing us most of the money in the system. terry robinson had to say this on bock bock. as a consumer, i am concerned that my premiums will increase to the point i can't afford it and my doctor will not take my coverage. health savings account is