m. a. sam has no interest in showing the real situation on the ground. as soon as h t s and its allies swift from it live defacto turkish in nato controlled it live in to the main population centers of syria, a level, and then down to damascus. and to the west to the coast, they were slaughtering our whites. they destroyed the holy these. they killed the guardians and vandalized the holiest allied shrine right away. and then they began entering galloway communities carrying out summary executions. and we come through by the day flying isis flags to taunt religious minorities across serious and so when the lights finally took up arms, it was sort of inevitable and they warned that they would do this against all these violations. and now you see belt waste, think tankers claiming that the, our white community wanted to get slaughtered, which is why they took up arms and started attacking members of h t. s. death squads because it would draw international attention to their plight . and then the stabilize the government over 101000 people had been slaughter