m. p. polt disaster. a grid going down, strikes another pandemic, another. anything, anything to cause the slightest hit up. not in production of food, but good because remember, food as being produced now you will reap later on. but anything that interrupt this, followed by panic, followed by this, this can commented out potentially asian of the problem through the media showing because they have to prove relevant by saying the end of the world. and you see panic and despair it's, it's going to happen. and i know it's going to happen and all you have to do is just read around the world. but yet it's this nonchalant that fascinates me, this detached insouciance this, this pauper. i don't know what you wanna call it. there's nonchalance like, oh, well, you know there's always been problems. let's go back to my game. let's go back to tv. let's go back to my device. it's going to happen. and it, i mean, i can't even put it this way. i can't imagine what, what human is will do if there is a complete and total breakdown that plus water, which we never talk hydro