m. terry margin good to happy with this. it has taken nearly 6 years of talks, but today germany is for the 1st time acknowledging that it committed genocide during its colonial rule in what is now namibia. in southern africa, german troops massacred tens of thousands of herrera and number of people between 190-4900, no 8. now more than a 100 years later, it has reached a deal with the government of namibia on how to atone the atrocities. this small plaque in berlin's no can district remains the only visible memorial in germany of the violence committed in the media. now, foreign minister, high co mass has announced germany will finally recognize the atrocities as genocide. 1.1000000000 euros will be given to support development in namibia focused on herrera nama communities. between 19041908 german imperial forces, and what was then known as german south. west africa violently suppressed uprisings by the nama and herrera ethnic groups, and forced them into the, does it tens of thousands of herrera and nama was shot, starved