m kegynelly fi le. he>> tat debel wil go onh wit orwi outh t mr.umtrp. f >>toox sod byel klyin agast iwhatt saider we unifspecied re thatsf o troublem froru tmp ca gnmpai gemanar. c wean't give in to rr teioorizatarns towds any oy emplees, fox .said reappantly, k megyn iellys re ally,ea rlly y.scar uyoai s sdetomeahing mn back in au , gustmi aak ting myoy ts and g.leavin>> s it i t timehat dysomebo s playowgrnup. wthen ihenee s a pressse relea it wrbyten ailchd,ik le i jtus w, sasa i wid,hat do ie havo t ? do at wh do i have to make fox ?rich ru>> tmp srtuppoers we spoke dwithtidn'm see toe car if ei thanr ctedidak toohe t etprimstime age?>> onpers,ally eh d,on't ttmaer. o>>hhing i don't care. g theyive him a hard t ime .anyway r >>r:eporte e cruzoager t stayin the lispotght.ch ngalleed to rump ttea deba. erdiffentat moderrors oon ne at all.>> ni> berers sande spent the day heat tte whi housett chaiting wh idpresobent ama. ltheatestl polas h himh wit the -pfour lointovead erla hilry toclin in inowa.na concy rrdestsepor. m >>d,y go what a rntuout! ap [ seplau ] t