student, and that is how he approached asset, not as m.i. -- not as matthew hedges, m.i. 6 is a very confused and inconsistent confession and frankly those two job descriptions are exactly what would appear -- do appear on the m.i. 6 website. they advertise for analysts who stay at home and analyze and field officers who go out into the field and recruit spies as agents for the united kingdom. he was in this jumbled interrogation and said he did both jobs. i happen to know because i spent many years studying british intelligence. analysts rarely, if ever, are asked to conduct field operations and certainly not attempt to recruit agents, which is a specialist task which takes many, many years of training. so, the evidence such as it was provided to us was, in my view, extremely inconclusive as proof of his role as an espionage agent of a british intelligence. but i should stress this. but the emirates say they have a lot of other matters of intelligence, electronic intercepts, analysis of his electronic device ands so on. but because that relates to very sensitive materi