yeah, i didn't know it was -- i was going to write a novel about it certainly or anything for that maaterwas just curious and, and, and mystified and, and drawn to the irony of the sittation, the absurdity of the situation and the unintended consequences of good intentions. i mean, that's a.a subject. >> smith: right. >> banks: .that draws me, has drawn me in the past. >> smith: yeah. was again in.only in a particularly strange way for me. and so i think i was drawn first to this, the image of a kid, a loser kid, a kkd.the kind of kid there are millions of them out there who, who manages somehow to raise himself. -úi mean, at, at one point he's referred to as a feral child, the kind of kid we used to call latchkey kids. >> smith: yeah. >> banks: the single parent who goes to work in the mornings, usually the mother, and comes home goes out at night just forn her own entertainment and. >> smith: kids basically not -úpareeted right? >> banks: .exactty. and, and ends up, you know, the kid ends up basically living in the ether on the internet. >> smith: yeah. >> banks: .and, and, and that's h