and so what we're going to move into next time is what happens if you aren't mabel hampton? what happens if you are like most americans, you're not living in a major city, you're not able to take advantage of these gay bars and so forth. now that there is this new definition, what is it like to be a small town man or woman who has -- who is now known to be at least in their own -- their own mind a homosexual? what does that mean? so that's where we're going to pick up next time. do you have any questions about any of this stuff that we covered today? the real point here is that, you know, these notions of definition, they really matter. they have -- it's not just kind of re torically, does this -- you know, we are talking about this. what's the dictionary say? they had an impact on how people lived, how they thought about themselves, how they were perceived medically, psychologically, in the criminal system and it had some horrible impact for many and it had some really liberating and sort of