she's live in front of mabel hoggard elementary...near she's live in front of mabel hoggard and m-l-k. part of that what's going on over there? pause for animation a big republican debate is set and the one person who won't everyone is talking about. that person of course is g-o-p frontrunner donald trump. he's bowed out because of a bitter feud with fox news anchor megyn kelly. instead, he'll hold a fundraiser for veterans. meantime, trump's biggest rival, ted cruz, is asking him to go head-to-head... one-on-one on saturday. sot cruz i don't think he is afraid of megan kelly. i don't think he's afraid of me. i think he's afraid of the people of iowa, he doesn't want to answer their questions as for the democrats, hillary clinton and bernie sanders are in a statistical tie... according to the latest poll. are you missing some mail? you may be the victim of a couple of theives. coming up, find out if your neighborhood mailbox is being targeted. and gas for less than 40-cents! it's not a prank... find out where you can get these rock-bottom prices. and a look at today's c