i would move to approve, but i would add that i would like to codify the prohibition of on-site mac usage. >> commissioner, just to add to that consideration, staff did receive comments from one member of the public expressing concern with on-site. in this case, given that there is a rental unit above that has only been occupied by the project sponsor, we were slightly less concerned, and the castro is a destination district , unlike many other districts, but so many people, it is a place to go out, myself included, even though i have never lived there. so the general concern was that we would create a condition where people could consume cannabis in the castro but not have a legal, safe place where they could -- not have a legal and safe place to consume it, and the possibility that that might cause people to consume it on the street or in the back of the bars of the castro where it is not permitted under the code. >> okay. commissioner richards? >> i'm not sure i accept that comment, but okay. >> we can chat later. i have been in the neighborhood 27 years. i think this is a needed retai