the ridership needs for everyone including the folks that are trying to make that connection on macallister i like the way it's designed right now i don't imagine that walk that we're going to be asking people to make if they are going to the symphony or ballet which i have done and i think by doing this you are going to get significant amount of improvements there's trade-offs being made here and i think in the long run the benefits surly outweigh the negative impacts and so i think that it would be a good idea to just move this forward the way it is and recognizing a few, you know, options for the future and it's a flexible enough system so if we really do feel it merits change, we can change it but i think a lot of work has gone into where we are and it probably means we're working out little detail and see and to do any kind of changing would dramatically change the timing of this and put funds in jeopardy and all this good stuff so i think we should give credit where credit is do staff has put a lot of work on it and a number of people that have already done a lot of thinking about thi