war of words if you're like between the macdougall government who say that while i don't might well be responsible for this but it's also blaming colombia it's blaming the u.s. . this whole situation seems incredibly vague and confused and i don't really understand whether or not this raid has actually gone ahead my question to you was given your experience. as a diplomat working with the venezuelan governments is this typical of the kind of thing that we might see a government bringing into operation to try to distract from the situations that you've been talking about at home are we talking about the opposition trying to carry this out as an attempted coup against the material government. absolutely a here and i understand then and i cope with your confusion because it's a global confusion i do believe the narc origi most nikolaus about though is an expert working in gray areas they're actually remember who their best allies are china russia iran and cuba and they have years of experience not only in that what we would call the se metric war which is having that narrative and the cou