. >> i won't be there, but macey's and jp pennies told customers they could get bargains online, offering 20-75% off items, and the same sales at the stores tomorrow - offering free shipping, two for one. this has been a disappointing season for stores. retail sales within falling for the past couple of weeks. store visits went down 21% last week. retail sales dropped 3.1%. analyst peter shift thinks consumers will see lower price tags in the coming weeks. >> discounting will continue in the new year. retailers will have to mark down their inventory a lot more than they expect. they loaded up on stock. i think they are waking up to reality that the consumer is in worse shape than they believe and can't afford to buy all that they stockpile. >> you won't see a sale on everything. one of the more popular presents are gift cards. you'll see a lot of people tomorrow, going in to cash these, use them up. >> boy, i could have purchased you one of those for christmas. my bad. i'm in line at 5am. appreciate t. >> you are. >> thank you. >> i have to tell you mean retailers who will be tracking the