race red flags apparently in the prosecutors or the investigators ice and that is really one of the machias tax havens in the world the british virgin islands so i'm very encouraged to hear about these news. surprised. i was somewhat surprised that. officials would take finally action because it's been now two years that they've been icing these files and we have seen in other circumstances and other situations that german prosecutors to very long to take action for example with the k'nex files these massive tax avoidance schemes they only informed foreign european counterparts many many years after we found out about it details and took no action to prevent german losses so this this is the first instance that i know all the german prosecutors have taken action on a massive scale not to prevent german tax income but also to. let money laundering which is potentially at the benefit of german banking assets. only in frankfurt let's come to you for a second a bank shares are probably not doing well what are you hearing there on the trading floor. trading floor reacted immediately the investor