for nearly five decades he shared that walk with his good wife macil. it's wonderful to see her today. the calling jerry answered was not an easy one. today we remember him as a courageous and big-hearted administrator of the gospel who never hated an adversary. jerry deserves the tribute he would have treasured most, as a cheerful, confident champion for christ. i'll always remember his cheerful good humor and self lessness several years ago as mark was describing in our home, anna and i were posing with a picture of him. we wanted him to be in the center. he insisted that an be in the middle and he and i be on the sides. he explained by .ing to me and then to himself, he said christ died between two thieves. [laughter] maybe the most confident step jerry ever took was to open the door of the schools 41 years ago. he believed that liberty might become one of the most respected christian universities anywhere on the earth, and so it is today. he believed when the first graduating class consisted of only 13 students that year after year young christians