all of that done which most certainly concludes the senate's exercise of its con for maciol. it cannot be unilaterally interrupted. the senate can hardly be in absence of such agreements. now we heard itchly caution that there's some bad order to pro forma sessions. it was practiced during the george w. bush administration. and let's stipulate the senate has used motions on its unaccord or at the request of a house to block recess appointments by staying in session on a pro forma basis. now, let's be clear about what those sessions do. they're pro forma, but only in a sense that not in a sense, excuse me, but the senate is incapable of conducting business, albeit on the basis of agreements and legislative measures can and only be adopted by unanimous consent on an actual vote. the problem, ladies and gentlemen, with presenting this is a a remarkable situation. the business is transacted without a quorum by unanimous consent. and that was exactly the situation that president obama made his appointments on january 4. now we've heard already from mort, the senate which was contr