speaker, mack millan cancer report talks about this. why doesn't the prime minister know about this argument. he should know about these arguments. i asked him again, mr. speaker, will he now admit that 7,000 cancer patients are losing up to 94 pounds a week? >> i've answered his question three times. >> with a full explanation. and the whole point about our benefit reforms is that there are proper medical tests so we support those who cannot work as a generous and tolerant and compassion country should, but we make sure that those who can work have to go out to work so that we don't reward bad behavior. that's what the bill is about. he's attempting to put up a smoke screen because he's been found out. he made a speech this week about the importance of welfare reform. but he can't take his divided party with him. that's what this is about. weak leadership of a divided party. >> dave miliband. >> mr. speaker, what an absolute disgrace to describe talking about cancer patients in this country as a smoke screen. this is about people out i