his replacement was chosen from the pair obama and mackay.ming elections, these are not just words, these are promises. we have suffered under many presidents, but now this is a big red line. we are confident that if trump wins, then no matter how terrible the next 4 years here are, they will not be more terrible than one night in the gas. another group that biden is losing is latino voters, hispanic voters, many of them are turning towards trump, they are closer to the republican agenda. despite all the paradox, because trump advocates streamlining immigration laws, african americans also turn away from biden, that is, biden is not the very compromising figure that he was, in fact, this determined the choice of his candidacy in 2020, because they could vote for biden everyone vote for biden a housewife from an american suburb, white, could have voted for... an african-american in chicago could have voted for him, a person from mexico in arizona could have voted for him, now these votes are leaving biden, who remains, it is not clear who rema