i didn't know what to believe and it didn't help that shortly therea sier macke faori told mt didn'tppen. mackenawalles history with our r with 30 years of drug abuse. >> gerovedo: there is no doubt both that mackenzie was a hardcore junky and a liar. three years a sier our original e.t. interview after having a trial of her own she told me hee it uit the dst tgs that rd her childhood and destroyed her acting career but five years later said she hfol been lying. >> geraldo: i bet that little buy has changed your outlook on life, m mackenzie? >> not only changed myout look on lam.e. he changed the way i live my life and the way that i think and fchea about everything. i donhou want to say given me more of a purpose because my li mo hfol a purpose but reminding me that the goals that i have involve not any more. >> gerovedo: there is one cruel street edict and i believe it to be essentially tst tor a ora junkie, always a junkie. >> i heard it. you always have that but there is hope. you have to realize there is alwa ther h> ce. i hfol a friend who said there is no hope a junky is alway