it's almost like mackenzie scott is determined to be the anti-bezos. she's woke, she doesn't hoard her money, and she has a full head of hair. i guess the only downside is if she ever starts a home delivery service, nothing you order will ever arrive in time. it's great that she's being this charitable, because $35 billion is a shit ton of money. she's so rich, when she checks her balance on her phone, she has to turn it sideways. when you're in landscape mode, you're rich-rich. and you can't even say she's doing it for the tax write-off, because billionaires don't pay taxes! speaking of billionaires who lose money: donald trump. unlike every other american president, he's been oddly chilled out about russian aggression towards the u.s. and now, he's basically giving a big shrug to one of russia's deadliest schemes yet. >> it's been widely reported that the u.s. has intelligence that russia paid bounties or offered to pay bounties to taliban fighters to kill american soldiers. you had a phone call with vladimir putin on july 23. did you bring up this i