at maclaren park. was going to be a helicopter, but unfortunately it was canceled but still a great turn the for those involved. we had active shooter training. and we will have fleet week. under our nert team response, we had training at maclaren park. in person nert classes are finally back. i see patty giving a class in the streets in soma. we had another health and safety wellness coffee with bhu on the 28th on 7th street. we are looking to branch out our chaplain program and we are trying to get other spiritual leaders involved during times of crisis. we are also looking to form a partnership with the credit union, the local 798 union and the cancer foundation to purchase gear bags for our members. we want to get big duffle bags so they are not transporting dirty equipment in vehicles. we are trying to minimize everyone's exposure. we also purchased 1700 covid test, getting ready for the winter and we are looking for greater coordination with our physicians office. so we are having weekly meetings