>> the previous question, why they have had such growth, macroeconomicly? >> well, just -- i think there ask -- there's a lot to what you say, but just to quickly address that. there is the fact that -- at least in latin america, argentine has been one of the least unequal. now, that's all compared to what? comparisons are pretty awful. but it's not -- i don't think that you can use that -- it's certainly not, you know a major explanation i think for what's gone wrong there. i mean, there has to be something else because as this gentleman pointed out, they keep, falling into these crises. but i don't doubt that it's related to a lot of the forces that lead to those -- to these crises. i think the point you made about debt and speculative capital, i mean, you phrased it a good bit more shall we say fervently than i do in the book. but, i mean, i don't think that that -- i don't think that capital flows have absolutely no benefits. i think, you know, kind of like anything. you know, used in moderation, it can be a very good thing for a country to be able to b