i would read "macweek" magazine religiously every week on the back.hat are the rumors, what's going on? emily: so even back then, you are obsessed with apple? tony: i absolutely was obsessed with all things computing in the 1980's. it first started with apple ii. emily: you worked on the earliest mobile devices, like the precursors to this. at general magic. at phillips, you started your own company, fuse. by the end of the decade, you probably knew more about mobile devices than literally anybody on the planet. tony: i just kept doing the thing i really love to do. emily: tell me about the first time you met steve jobs. tony: andy herzfeld, who was one of the founders of general magic, he had a birthday party. steve happened to be there and we talked for a few minutes. that was the first time i ever met him. but then the next time i met him was to give the pitch for the ipod. what would become the ipod. emily: you gave the pitch for the original ipod? tony: there was a whole team of us, but i was leading the charge in talking about what it was. it wa