he got reya to join him and they ended up at madam powell's near kendleton on highway 59. we have excavated and found a lot of artifact there is. they met there and stayed there for about a day and a half. now, they still had no clue what happened to santa ana. they had no orders from santa ana, but they had a meeting of the generals on april 25th, 1836, at madam powell's, and what they decided to do was they decided to retreat. they were going to go down to this crossing, which is the one that was used on the way north, and they were going to come down to victoria and they were going to wait for orders from the mexican government. they didn't know what they wanted to do. they were going to get resupplied, they were going to connect with the thousand troops that were still in san antonio. so we got about 4,000 mexican troops still in texas, 2,500 of them are here trying to get to here, and they still have about 1,000 in san antonio, and then, of course, they've got other units spread out at victoria, at goliad. they're all up and down here. they're going to reunite. that's