is a must-read, i'm aglaya nabatnikova, today we are discussing gustov flabert and his novel "madame bavariandra revenko and oksana." director of the moscow transport museum. it’s great luck that our guest today is the director of the moscow transport museum, because mrs. bavari plays a very important role in the novel exactly. transport, there are several scenes with caretta, as well as with coachman and ver, who takes mrs. bavari on a date, and mrs. bavari meets this moment of a beggar, which foreshadows her tragic ending, in general, we can say that transport plays a role in this novel a huge role, and oksana, as an expert in french culture, is well versed in this and will tell us the whole story today. cultural of this novel. oksana, you are a francophone, you lived in paris for 13 years, you probably represent us better than anyone else sociocultural context of this novel. please tell us why he made such a big impression, why he, so to speak, shook the moral foundations, why flaubert was put on trial for this novel? i was always surprised by this moment, why this novel shook moral foun