to the internet for advice on facebook or find a group called madame moneypenny which helps women secure financial independence and has 40000 members men aren't allowed to join. solely. is managed by multinational beginning she also makes part and runs a mentoring program to teach him about managing their finances and building out some capital. carpark casts have been downloaded more than a 1000000 times. it was all i asked her why she thinks so many women struggle with these issues. as well as a hold up in money as a mum thing money is dirty having lots of money means you're egotistical deserve to have money a mile out to be prosperous these are some of the things women often say as well. i'm hearing them again and again shapes the way you think about money. things. and then there's the notion that girls aren't good with numbers. system so there's a kind of a downward spiral i think that's why many women leave money matters to all those levels of. i'm resolved to take charge of my finances myself and i asked not i should be given how she would invest a 1000 euros in her answer 10 percen