thousands of jobs were created and thousands of jobs will be created after this race, said mr madani bahman, when did you write the 7,500 jobs that have been created and the thousands of jobs that will be created after this? let all my friends know that the families have a smile on their lips. his work makes him happy, when he becomes unemployed, everyone is sad . we can refer to your will east azerbaijan is the mother of more units , let us witness that it will be announced. we still have a lot to do at the beginning of the road, so that we can turn the province into an industrial province , a mineral province , an agricultural province, and a tourism province. it means 250 industrial units in the fields others mentioned activation , which is important for me . shubsheh, the job should be work and show, and i read several qurans for the worker and said that we are looking for workers. the worker said no. the various states of the province help to state the level of unemployment and the type, in fact, numerically increase employment, whatever