question who's serving time in prison right now is a suspect in the disappearance not just of maddie mccann but also of a of a of a dutch boy 25 years ago and so they're hoping that there's going to be some kind of a clue these 2 people have never these 2 missing people have never shown up again there's no sign of there's no more concrete proof but they're hoping for concrete proof here this is not your regular plot i was able to talk to a manager of a of a of another plot here in this region and he told me what we have behind us not the regular kind where you go out and you lease a piece of property it's very popular among germans to do that it's their way of getting out of the big city but this is one that is owned by one owner i talked to them today they wouldn't talk to me they hung up the phone on me and what they do is that they lease it out to people that you don't have to follow strict rules you don't have to keep it very camped you know grass can go wild things like that and that's what this other manager told me he said this place was not very well kept and because they have very