maddie scott from brady campaign. we got pierce's pledge. leslie a mother. we got everett butler, who represents all the lifers. lifers? raise your hand. we have stacey from the dispensary. private sector from the stores, the dispensary world. my sister right here, daisy wright. she's here with steph, my filipino sister. welcome. we have many people here that make this what it is. our 14th annual gun buyback. we have already got 4000 guns off the streets. right? we got 350 assault rifles. and so i'm just saying this because we can't do it alone. and before i bring everybody on the number one cause of death for children under 18 is gun violence, y'all. and so i wanted to reiterate that and let y'all know this is why we all come together. you feel me, though, terrence? this is why we're here. this is my brother tee from the tl who's been boots on the ground fighting the good fight. thank you for showing up, king. yes, sir. you know what i mean? so i want to go ahead and bring on the mayor. london breed. give a hand, y'all. thank you so much, rudy. and thank yo