>> maddie stennis. >> is that sean mcgrath? >> that's correct. >> and you have an on scene epa -- >> on scene coordinator. >> who is that? >> i do not know the individual's name. >> and you have conducted some preliminary investigation. >> yes. >> everything we see,see, it looks like there was a mistake. you have a contractor, to. who is being held accountable based upon the information you have so far? >> one of the reasons why we asked doi to do an independent investigation was to make sure someone independently looked at that and provided information so that we could follow up to see if there was a lack of judgment or oversight. >> that is not complete? >> it will be completed in october. >> i want you to tell the committee and report back who is held responsible. i responsible. i have reviewed some of the bonuses given to different agencies in the past, at least historically epa has paid some of the biggest performance award. in fact, some of your ses class folks, 64 percent of them got bonuses. i want to know if there are