. >> i'm maddis campbell from new jersey, a former marine, served in vietnam in 1967 and '68.ed to vietnam in 2010. my organization funds education for disabled children and for victims of unexexploded ordinates. >> reporter: i'm mike cerre. like the others, i first came to vietnam during the war. in 1970 and '71 i was with the marines flying as an observer out of the danang air base. >> many of our missions took off and landed at the air base and much of agent orange was stored at the air base for about ten years. much of the area right around the perimeter of what is now the airport was contaminated as a result of that. >> reporter: agent orange, the defoaliant used extensively by the american military during the war contains dioxin a dangerous compound believed to cause birth defects in vietnamese families and american veterans. >> the older boy who is laying here he's just about incapacitated 100% at this point. we're seeing more and more of the genetic results of agent orange. these two boys are third generation victims and i see it in our own veterans' families back in t