david is in madison heights, michigan on our democrats line.on with congressman earl blumenauer. >> caller: hi, thank you very much for taking my call. i'm very surprised as a democrat that you let me call in. in the last three days you had republicans call in only. since the beginning of the year, that was your eighth republican call-in only. and only one democrat, and unfortunately no independent. but i just want to say to the congressman, great job, keep up the great work. we need to get rid of these republicans. they're nothing but a stain on america. you had a caller with the gop only calling in, and a woman caller said that it was not trump supporters that breached and broke into our capitol. really? come on, man. keep up the good work. let's get rid of these republicans left and right. and change your name to fox-span. >> that's david in madison heights, michigan. we won't make you respond to that, congressman. >> well, let me just say, i was there. as i mentioned, i was out in the crowd. we saw the aftermath. those weren't protesters. t