and the national defense university which is the top military madrasi in the united states admiral michael mullen who is the joint chiefs of staff chairman conducts the soul searching jam session for the military profession the top objective is to spill the guts within the military community from the outset and the admiral has made it perfectly clear that couple of subjects we'll be off the table without any benefit of the doubt the first of them is the behavior of some lose cannons and the striker's brigade in kandahar because couple of those road warriors so gold sculpture hunters not only have discredited a large part of the u.s. military abroad and specifically in afghanistan but by their anger from am against civilians they undermine the u.s. state department democratic finger pointing to the other contraries abroad the us on demining the whole least stick and integrated us foreign policy britain's pension is going bankrupt faster than any other group in the country the u.k. and solvency sevenths findings highlights how seriously the sixty five a struggling to keep their homes running