he said, "well, i went to the square, the plaza de mayo, and i asked a policeman, 'where are the madres de plaza de mayo?'" they called them then the locas, the mad women. >> hinojosa: the crazy women. >> and he said, "and the policeman told me there's no such thing." he said, "why are you publishing all this stuff?" and we had, you know, readers who stopped their subscription. at the same time we built up a readership of people who realized that we were the only newspaper that was consistently doing its upmost to warn, first of all, the military that what they were doing was just absolutely unacceptable from every point of view, because they never thought for a moment of putting people on trial. only recently did i discover that they never even worked out exactly what they were going to do, because they hadn't worked it out, they just thought you could dispose of people. and one of their civilian advisers told me, "well, what you do with terrorists"-- because the word "terrorists," they became nonpeople, everybody became a terrorist who was opposed to the government-- "what you do with th