i mooifed to mae ma and got my orders to go to korea. we quickly left. we were told that they were north koreaens that they had captured. four men had beaten up two men in this building. he got back on the ship, ate dinner and then come out and got in the truck and was taken to the rail station. i told them it was written primarily using military terminology. i was given several suggestions how to make it more understandable to a civilian to understand it. i explained after the first yugs of every word what it was. i had some of her friends that read it and they said this was terrible. >> i said i defie anyone to they will me i was wrong. i was there. i did not exaggerate. i did not enhance the story in anyway. i've heard a lot of stories but everybody tells it differently. there are many stories about the korean war, but this one is mine. this is what i speerpsed. many men starved to death, wounds untreated. that's maltreatment. sanitation supplies. we had no paper for sanitary purposes. that was it. and that's cruel. then, when they started the lecturi