in the pre-war years , magelev lived an ordinary peaceful life, factories, schools, hospitals worked. built, new districts grew, a time of hope, a time that was later called yes war, fascist germany defeated and occupied denmark, norway. belgium, the netherlands, luxembourg, france, yugoslavia, greece, poland. june 22, 1941 attacked the soviet union. hitler hoped to capture moscow in november. army group center numbered several million soldiers. but the defenders of mogilev stood in the way of the german military machine. mogilev is urgently transferred from the nearest rear units of the red army. hello, my dears, do not worry about me, i am alive and well, arrived at my unit, it is a pity to part, but what can you do? war. the time will come, we will see each other, now is wartime, and we are also military people, so it is especially absolutely no time, kiss you and the children, vova, shura and valechka, a twenty-five-kilometer defensive line is being created around the city, trenches, minefields, artillery positions. ubunich was the front line of the soviet defense. the german comm