conservatory, what did you think, i only know how to serve plates, at the conservatory, wow. and i'm at magemamics, wow, and how honest, as if i were green, i also have, you know, i generally want to become an artist, a real one, it's just that my parents are against it, my mom, and my grandmother, and what do you want to be, well, when you grow up? as you said, when i grow up, how old are you, candy wrapper? 19, i'm not candy wrapper, i'm also 19, but you know, i've been a complete adult since i was 11, i decide everything myself, so the candy wrapper is what it is, and why are you studying at the conservatory then, since you're so grown up, you're a candy wrapper yourself, and you know, you're right, we're both candy wrappers, let's go for it then, let's eat some ice cream. let's sweeten the pill, so to speak, you like ice cream, i adore it, you see how much we have in common, i would pour it over, carefully, pour it over, wipe it off, i poured the music onto your player from a disk, like you... thank you, good music, the performer is great, that it's a skrepichnaya sanata, thank you, i alre