so maggie daley loved to travel.he took him on a lot of trips to places like paris and other places in europe which are positive influences. he would come back and say we should give flowers and boulevards and parks. and then i think she was a cultured woman who like things like theater and other cultural things. she had a really fine cultural sense. which i think, which rubbed off on her husband in positive ways. he was a late boomer about some of these things but as he was in his 50s and even 60s, developed a real appreciation for them. and because he was a powerful man he could support theater in chicago, or support other things. so i thought it was a balanced him out and made him probably a better person individually but also sort of a better leader. >> we in the business have love-hate relationships with the people we cover. we tried very hard to be there. i think that's fair for me to say, but we fall in a sense, in love with these characters with whom we are working on a daily basis, and with whom we are alway