here now to debate the issue in our face-off tonight is maggie gallagher, the president of the national organization for marriage. good to have you with us, maggie. and also a law professor at the university of pennsylvania. good to have you with us. >> thank you. >> let's turn to what the administration said in its brief in defending the act this week. it reads -- you say you were shocked by this brief. why so? >> there are two issues. it's true the obama candidate had a position paper that he's against the defense of marriage act. but he also went in a big publicized interview and promised the american people in an interview with rick warren that although he's for equal rights for gay people, he doesn't include marriage among them and now his administration is filing a brief saying the one federal law that defends marriage as one man and one woman is discrimination. it's a brief that says it's against it but then pretends it's trying to defend it. there's more shocking things in there. >> we'll get to those. your reaction? do you agree with what maggie said? >> i don't. let's be clear