maggie haberman, let's start there. republicans say it's the number one issue with primary voters. is it mart for the president? many people thought sebelius would go after the election. is it smart to do this and you get a hearing in the health education and labor committee, then a finance committee vote and probably a week of floor debate where republicans -- i don't think they'll go after sylvia that much, but they will go after, what about premiums, can i keep my doctor and so on and so forth. >> i think the white house is operating from the premise it can't get much worse for democrats in terms of obamacare, we've hit the bottom. if you lose sebelius now, you take the idea that nobody was held accountable off the table, that talking point goes away. also, as you said, the hearings will focus on obamacare, she was confirmed once before, burwell. she will likely be confirmed again. it will provide messy headlines. >> do democrats feel pressure as this plays out? we're going to confirm her, she's going to get her votes. we'll say nice things about sebelius. happy she's gone to ma